Navigating from Executive to Board Director | Women in the Boardroom


Navigating from Executive to Board Director

Navigating from Executive to Board Director

Once people get to a certain level in corporate America, they start thinking about serving on a corporate board.  In order for this to happen, not only do you need certain skills, but you need to be able to clearly articulate them and showcase what sets you apart. Here are some strategic steps to help you find success in your boardroom journey.

  1. Understand the Role
    Transitioning from an executive to a board director involves a fundamental shift in responsibilities. While executives focus on day-to-day operations and driving organizational performance, board directors provide oversight, set strategic direction, and ensure accountability. Familiarize yourself with governance principles, legal duties, and the broader strategic landscape of board work.
  2. Demonstrate Value Proposition
    Articulate your unique value proposition as a board candidate and tailor your board bio to showcase your accomplishments, achievements, and the impact you have had.
  3. Utilize Your Network
    We know this can be a painful one for some (most) but it doesn’t need to be.  Think of it as merely having conversations with people in a win-win situation and along with that, have a disciplined approach to help you fit it into your schedule and maintain those relationships. At Women in the Boardroom we know that networking is the key to getting your seat at the table. We encourage you to build and maintain your network of influencers and connectors, have a plan for reaching out, and be prepared to share your value proposition.
  4. Embrace Continuous Learning
    The governance landscape is constantly evolving, with regulatory changes, emerging best practices, and evolving stakeholder expectations shaping boardroom priorities. Stay abreast of industry trends, attend conferences, participate in professional development programs, and seek opportunities for continuous learning to remain relevant as a board director.
  5. Build Diverse Perspectives
    Boards benefit from diversity of thought, experience, and background. Embrace diversity and inclusion initiatives within the boardroom, advocate for diverse candidates, and actively seek opportunities to bring different perspectives to the table.

Working at getting on a corporate board can feel like an additional full time job but it doesn’t need to.  Our proven process only requires you put in 5 hours per month, but it’s vital you are able to put in those hours if you expect to see results.  I always say “I cannot want this more than you”.

If you’re interested in continuing the conversation, Reach out to me directly!

Sheila Ronning, CEO & Founder, Women in the Boardroom.

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About Women in the Boardroom™

Since 2002, we have been the experts that help you get your seat at the table. We provide a customized step-by-step approach to getting on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd corporate board that includes exclusive programs such as our Matchmaking Program™, Annual Board Assembly and proven networking process. And with nearly 50% of our VIP Members serving on corporate boards, our proven process works!

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