Action Items to Help You Earn Your Seat | Women in the Boardroom


Action Items to Help You Earn Your Seat

Action Items to Help You Earn Your Seat

As we saw in last week’s blog post, sometimes the barriers between women and their boardroom goals come from their own excuses. In this blog post, Sheila Ronning, CEO & Founder of Women in the Boardroom will share some actions you can take to move past the excuses and make progress to help you earn your seat at the table.

Action: Know Your Value


“You must stop holding yourself back. Chances are that if you are ready to undertake board service, you believe that you would be a value-add to a company. Trust that instinct and do not sell yourself short when the opportunity arises to apply for positions – especially for folks  women with several years of experience in the C-suite or other prominent executive positions. Know what you are  your worth to a company seeking board members.”

Action: Break Up the Status Quo


“If you have been on the hunt for a board seat for a while, it might be time to shake things up. Patience is not always the best method, and you may have to go outside of your comfort zone to advance into the boardroom. Stop doing things the way they’ve always been done. Try something new. Be bolder.”

Action: Have a Clear Understanding of What Board Service Entails


“There is real value in knowing what it takes to be an effective member on a board. You need to be comfortable reading and understanding financial statements and knowing the roles of different committees and what they do. You must spend time preparing for meetings and reading the board packet. Once you understand the roles, obligations, duties, and time commitment that board directors face, then make an informed decision to move forward with a board position that is right for you.”

Action: Excel at What You Do


“It is important that you not only demonstrate that you have held leadership roles, but that you have a proven track record of success. Having a clear progression of increasing responsibility throughout your career is helpful. As you continue to build your experience, take note of your accomplishments and achievements and the impact they’ve had. When it comes to getting a board seat, general business leadership is a great start and baseline expectation. However, specializing in a needed field like technology or cybersecurity makes you an even greater asset to corporate boards.”

Action: Be Known As An Expert


“This is a solid action that goes a long way in achieving board service and builds up your professional reputation. Having a well-known and respected voice in your industry implies expertise and identifies you as a qualified leader in the space, making you more established in the right communities. Do not be afraid to showcase your knowledge.”

Action: Let People Know You Are Interested


“If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Your network wants to help you but you need to help them help you. Don’t assume they know you’re looking to serve on a corporate board (or can read your mind!). Share your board aspirations with them.

Action: Network at Every Opportunity


“This is the most important step. With search firms filling less than 15% of corporate board seats, networking is crucial. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for your 1st, 2nd or 3rd board seat, you have to network. Knowing who in your network, how to reach out to them, and what to say is vital, when to do it and really having a great plan on how you maintain the relationship is vital.  Remember it is always about timing and is never a-one-and-done. Don’t just rely on your current network; re-engage with people you’ve lost touch with. Utilizing our proven networking process will give you the biggest return on investment in landing your board seat.”

With more than 20 years of experience and over 70% of our audience serving on corporate boards, we are the experts that will help you get your seat at the table. We provide a customized step-by-step approach to getting on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd corporate board that includes our exclusive programs, Annual Board Assembly and proven networking process.

If you’re interested in continuing the conversation, Reach out to me directly!

Sheila Ronning, CEO & Founder, Women in the Boardroom.

© 2024, Women in the Boardroom. All rights reserved.

About Women in the Boardroom™

Since 2002, we have been the experts that help you get your seat at the table. We provide a customized step-by-step approach to getting on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd corporate board that includes exclusive programs such as our Matchmaking Program™, Annual Board Assembly and proven networking process. And with nearly 50% of our VIP Members serving on corporate boards, our proven process works!

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