If you match the requirements for an opening, submit your cover letter, board bio and/or professional profile by using the Dropbox link supplied in the board opening notification email by the deadline noted. We do encourage all documents to be submitted as soon as possible however. All of your documents must be submitted in one PDF file.
Your cover letter must address these items:
- How you match their requirements
- Highlight your specific value add to the board
- Cover letter should be no longer than one page
- Assume that only your cover letter is being reviewed, not your board bio or professional profile
Other items to consider for your cover letter:
- If you have previous or current public or private board experience, lead with that (do not lead with non-profit board experience)
- Spend time reviewing your cover letter and/or board documents for grammatical errors and any formatting issues
To submit your packet, use the secure Dropbox account that was sent to you in the corresponding board opening notification email for VIP Members, select “choose files” and upload your packet. Contact membership@womenintheboardroom.com if you are experiencing difficulties.