Steps to Getting on a Corporate Board | Women in the Boardroom


Steps to Getting on a Corporate Board

Securing a position on a corporate board is a significant career milestone that requires strategic planning, networking, and personal branding. Here we outline the essential steps to help you navigate this complex process and successfully land a board seat.

Educate Yourself on the Role

The first step towards joining a corporate board is to thoroughly educate yourself about the responsibilities and functions of a board of directors (BOD) and what it entails to be an individual board member. Knowledge is power, and understanding the intricacies of board operations is crucial.

Attend webinars and seminars that focus on board-related topics such as interviewing for a board seat, onboarding processes, committee structures, and current trends in the boardroom. We have many resources such as articles and webinars that offer timely insights into what is happening in the corporate governance world, to help you stay informed and prepared.

Identify the Right Board for You

Being realistic about the types and sizes of boards for which you are qualified is essential. Your professional background plays a significant role in determining your fit:

  • Public vs. Private Experience: If your experience is primarily in public companies, you’re more likely to be considered for public board positions. Conversely, if you have only worked in private companies, starting with private boards might be more feasible.
  • Company Size: The size of the companies you have worked for also matters. Experience in smaller companies might not directly translate to opportunities in large, high-profile boards. Aim for boards that align with your professional sandbox.

Know Your Value and How to Communicate It

Understanding your unique skills and contributions to board service is critical. You need to clearly articulate your value proposition to your network. Develop a compelling elevator pitch that succinctly highlights your skills, experience, and the value you bring to a board. This pitch should be clear and engaging, ensuring that your network can quickly grasp your qualifications without confusion.

Maximize Your Personal Branding

Personal branding is a vital component of your journey to a corporate board. Key elements include:

  • Board Bio: Craft a board-specific biography that emphasizes your accomplishments, achievements, and the impact you’ve had in your previous roles. This bio differs from your regular resume or CV, focusing on your board-related qualifications.
  • LinkedIn Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile mirrors your board bio. Highlight your expertise and make sure your profile is polished, professional, and reflective of your board aspirations. A great profile picture and active engagement on LinkedIn can also bolster your personal brand.

Read more personal branding tips here!

Network, Network, Network

Networking is an ongoing and disciplined process that is critical for securing a board seat. Building and nurturing relationships within your industry and beyond can open doors to board opportunities. Develop a systematic approach to networking, ensuring you consistently reach out, engage, and follow up with potential connections. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Your network wants to help you but you need to help them help you. Don’t assume they know you’re looking to serve on a corporate board (or can read your mind!). Share your board aspirations with them.

Prepare for the Board Interview Process

The board interview process is unique and often different from typical job interviews. Prepare thoroughly, familiarizing yourself with the types of questions you might face and understanding the expectations of board members. Practice articulating your value proposition and be ready to discuss your experience and how it aligns with the board’s needs.

Be in It for the Long Haul

Securing a board position is a marathon, not a sprint. According to the national average, it can take anywhere from three to five years to land your first board seat. Our members typically land a seat within 2 years but pPatience and perseverance are still key. Stay committed to your goal, continuously enhance your skills, expand your network, and remain engaged in the process.

Getting onto a corporate board requires a multifaceted approach involving education, realistic goal-setting, clear communication of your value, strong personal branding, extensive networking, and thorough preparation for interviews. Stay dedicated and strategic, and you’ll increase your chances of achieving this prestigious career milestone. And remember, we have lots of resources available to help you!


If you’re interested in continuing the conversation, Reach out to me directly!

Sheila Ronning, CEO & Founder, Women in the Boardroom.

© 2024, Women in the Boardroom. All rights reserved.

About Women in the Boardroom™

Since 2002, we have been the experts that help you get your seat at the table. We provide a customized step-by-step approach to getting on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd corporate board that includes exclusive programs such as our Matchmaking Program™, Annual Board Assembly and proven networking process. And with nearly 50% of our VIP Members serving on corporate boards, our proven process works!

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