Branding Yourself for a Corporate Board Seat: Tips and Insights | Women in the Boardroom


Branding Yourself for a Corporate Board Seat: Tips and Insights

Branding yourself for corporate board service involves positioning yourself as an experienced, trustworthy, and knowledgeable candidate who can bring value to the board. Here are some steps to help you build your personal brand with board service in mind:

Crafting a Board Bio for Your Personal Brand

A board bio is distinct from a traditional resume, as it focuses on what makes you valuable to a board and what value you bring. Highlight your understanding of compliance, regulation, and problem-solving abilities. Reflect on your career experiences and how they can interest a board, emphasizing your strengths and potential contributions. A well-crafted board bio should align with your personal brand, showcasing your unique value proposition.

Difference Between Board Bio and Executive Resume

If you have limited board service experience, highlight skills relevant to board service at the top of your resume. For those with board experience, create a section called “Relevant Board Experience” or add it in your “Summary” at the top and build it out to demonstrate your readiness for board roles. Ensure your executive experience is concise and emphasizes the skills and experiences most pertinent to board service. This approach will reinforce your personal brand as someone ready and capable of contributing to board governance.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your board aspirations. Include a professional photo, a compelling headline, and a detailed summary of your experience and skills.

Network Strategically

Consider becoming a member of professional associations related to corporate governance. While these certainly aren’t necessary they could help you stand out from the crowd and give you a competitive advantage. Participate in industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to connect with current board members and executives. Be sure you are reaching out to colleagues, mentors, and friends who may have connections to boards and let them know you are interested in board service. Defining your value add for board service and clearly articulating it to your network is the best chance of getting your seat at the table. Building and maintaining connections is an ongoing process. Be sure you network the right way the 1st time, know who to reach out to, and what to say and what NOT to say.

To Certify yourself or not

There are several certification programs available. When asked if these certifications are necessary, we always respond that they aren’t but they can be beneficial. Whether you gain new knowledge or confirm what you already know, you may also make valuable connections during the process. However, it’s essential to understand the time commitment involved and be aware of the requirements to maintain the certifications, which can be both costly and time-consuming.

Demonstrate Thought Leadership

Publishing article and papers about topics related to corporate governance, industry trends, or your areas of expertise is a great way to showcase your expertise and enhance your online presence. Publish them on LinkedIn, industry journals, or your personal website. If writing is not your strong suit, you should at least be commenting on other peoples articles to stay relevant. We also encourage you to share your knowledge by speaking at industry events, webinars, or podcasts. This will help to further establish you as an authority in your field.

Prepare for Board Interviews

Research the company, its industry, challenges, and opportunities. Be prepared to discuss how your skills and experience can add value. You will need to clearly articulate why you want to serve on the board and what unique perspectives and skills you bring. Check out this article for a list of must-ask questions for your board interview.

If you’re interested in continuing the conversation, Reach out to me directly!

Sheila Ronning, CEO & Founder, Women in the Boardroom.

© 2024, Women in the Boardroom. All rights reserved.

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