5 Easy Steps To Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile | Women in the Boardroom


5 Easy Steps To Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile

5 Easy Steps To Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile

As an executive level woman, you probably invest a significant amount of time and resources on making a good first impression and in your personal brand. Unfortunately, many professionals forget to apply this type of grooming to their digital presence. And with LinkedIn being the biggest and most credible professional networking platform and home to over 900 million users, it’s typically the first place a fellow professional will go to learn about you. Or perhaps, someone who has the power to get you on a corporate board.

Additionally, LinkedIn is one of the first queries to show up in Google when someone searches for you, and if you don’t show up in Google in 2024, do you even exist? So, have you taken the time to stop and ask yourself, “What does my LinkedIn profile say about me?” If not, or even if you have, here are some quick and essential tips from Women in the Boardroom experts about how to power up your LinkedIn account.

Be Authentic

Your personal brand should mirror who you are in the real world, so be authentic when developing your digital presence. A great way to do this is to position yourself as a thought-leader by presenting diverse content to your audience. For instance, you should be developing your own podcasts, videos, op-eds or articles, and pumping out professional commentary within your area of expertise.

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

We can’t stress this enough; Include keywords relevant to your experience, positions, and achievements. It’s important to optimize your digital presence with these types of keywords in order to make you more searchable within LinkedIn.

You should also be sure not to overuse meaningless adjectives like “passionate”, “strategic”, “‘innovative”, “experienced” or “focused”, without actually illustrating you are all of those things throughout the narrative of your profile. In other words, don’t just tell your reader who or what you are, show them!

Update Your Image(s)

Your profile picture is one of the top three things a potential connection or board member appointee will see when they access your profile and it governs the kickoff of a first impression. You should be using a professional headshot, in which you’re looking straightforward, so if you don’t have one yet, we recommend investing in a session with a photographer or looking at the many AI offerings available.

Another great tip we like to mention to our Women in the Boardroom members is to include your name in the filename of the headshot, so that when someone searches for you, your headshot also pops up in the image section. This a great way to optimize your profile and also “make you a real person” to those who might be searching for you online.

Finally, don’t forget to update the background image in your profile; personalize it so that it stands out and really pops!

Be Direct…

…in your headline and summary. This is the most read portion of your profile, and so it’s important to include essential information that acts as a real selling point for your audience. It’s here you should be showcasing intriguing information about what makes you stand out as a person and professional.

It’s important to keep in mind that having a fresh digital presence can have a significantly positive impact on your personal brand. In many cases, your LinkedIn account is the first impression you’ll get to make with a potential board appointee, maybe even before you’re aware you’re being considered for an interview. Be sure to set aside some time within the next few weeks to give your profile a bit of a facelift.

If you’re interested in continuing the conversation, Reach out to me directly or listen to our webinar “Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile” for more useful tips!

Sheila Ronning, CEO & Founder, Women in the Boardroom.

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Since 2002, we have been the experts that help you get your seat at the table. We provide a customized step-by-step approach to getting on your 1st, 2nd or 3rd corporate board that includes exclusive programs such as our Matchmaking Program™, Annual Board Assembly and proven networking process. And with nearly 50% of our VIP Members serving on corporate boards, our proven process works!

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